Just for cats with disabilities

The Cat Health and Behavior List

American Association of Feline Practitioners – the association of veterinarians who specialize in cats.  Includes a member directory.

Disease Links and Lists





Endocrinal Diseases

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

Feline Infectious Anemia (aka Hemobartonella)

Feline Infectious Enteritis (aka Panleukopenia or Feline Distemper)

Feline Infectious Peritonitis

Feline Leukemia

Heart Disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Liver Disease

Kidney Disease

Litterbox Problems

    • Cat Attract Litter – This new formulated litter has a 100% guarantee that the cat will use the litterbox. We’ve used it in our household, and it WORKS! We get it at PetSmart. This is a MUST TRY for cats that fail to use the litterbox.

Neurological Diseases



Respiratory Diseases

Skin Disorders


Urinary Tract Diseases

Vaccines and Vaccine-Associated Sarcoma

Senior Care Links and Lists

Behavioral Links and Lists

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