Animals with disabilities

Animals with Disabilities

Handicapped Pets: Pet Disability Resources

As an animal caregiver, it’s challenging to immediately know that animals have disabilities.  Many times, the impairment, whether it be cognitive or developmental, is not immediately visible.  And, once it has developed, it is a challenge to determine how to best embrace the impairment.  The term disability in itself covers such a broad amount of things, and Special Needs Pets tries its best to break down each of these disabilities so that we can help you help your animal function best in its environment.

Special Needs Pets recognizes that we are not the end-all of resources.  That’s why we’ve compiled a list of resources that we’ve found to be helpful when looking for information on animals with disabilities.  We hope you find this helpful as well.

Pets with Disabilities


Handicapped Cats

Handicapped Dogs

Mobility Aids for your Pet

  • Dewey’s Wheelchairs for Dogs
  • Doggon’ Wheels– wheelchairs for dogs, cats and other pets.
  • Eddie’s Wheels – wheelchairs for dogs and cats, including wheelchairs for pets with front leg mobility problems and amputees.  They also sell used wheelchairs, subject to availability.
  • The K9 Cart Company – wheelchairs for dogs, cats and other pets.  This site includes a useful nursing care guide for mobility-impaired animals.
  • TailWagon – wheelchairs for injured or recovering pets.
  • Ty-Lift – wheeled animal transport, great for quadriplegic pets, especially large dogs.  See Sheba’s web site.
  • Walkabout – custom-fit harnesses and boots for mobility-impaired pets.

Success Stories – Animals Living with Disabilities

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