Holistic Pet Care

With a focus on wellness, on minimally invasive treatment methods, and on treating the whole animal rather than just a set of symptoms, holistic veterinary medicine provides an alternative approach to traditional "allopathic" health care for all pets, including special-needs pets.  Like alternative and complementary medicine for humans, holistic veterinarians […]

Holistic Pet Care

With a focus on wellness, on minimally invasive treatment methods, and on treating the whole animal rather than just a set of symptoms, holistic veterinary medicine provides an alternative approach to traditional "allopathic" health care for all pets, including special-needs pets.  Like alternative and complementary medicine for humans, holistic veterinarians use homeopathy, acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), nutritional therapy, and other alternative approaches to veterinary health care.

What is Holistic Veterinary Medicine? is an online brochure from the American Holistic Veterinary Medicine Association that provides a very good introduction and general overview.

Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine - This is a comprehensive site with general information and resources, including links to:

  • The American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association
  • The International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy
  • The Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy
  • The International Veterinary Acupuncture Society
  • The American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture

plus information on nutrition, dental care, and other topics.  There is an extensive list of links to sites and mailing lists dealing with complementary and alternative veterinary medicine.  This site also has links to directories of holistic vets.  

  • Holistic Hound - Holistic health care for dogs.  Online newsletter.
  • Shirley's Wellness Cafe - Holistic health for people and animals.
  • Wellpet - General holistic health care topics for dogs, cats, and other pets.  Web site and mailing list.

To become more proactive in your pet's health, consider holistic pet food. Holistic health care products and nutritional supplements for pets can be found at the following web sites:

See also the Flower Essence page.

Please check with a vet, preferably a holistic vet, before you begin using holistic health care products such as homeopathic remedies on your pet.

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