Toxic plants for cats Created 09/24/2016 Author Anna Category Cats, Nutrition A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y |Z A Alfalfa Almond (pits of) Alocasia Amaryllis Apple seed Apricot (pits of) Arrowgrass Avacado Azalea B Baneberry Bayonet Beargrass Beech Belladonna Bird of Paradise Bittersweet Black-Eyed Susan Black Locust Bleeding Heart Bloodroot Bluebonnet Box Boxwood Buckeyes Burning Bush Buttercup C Cactus Candelabra Caladium Castor Bean Cherry (pits of) Cherry (most wild varieties) Cherry (ground) Cherry (laurel) Chinaberry Christmas Rose Chrysanthemum Clematis Coriaria Cornflower Corydalis Crocus Autumn Crown of Thorns Cyclamen D Daffodil Daphne Daphne Darura Deadly Nightshade Death Camas Delphinium Dicentrea Diffenbachia Dumb Cane E Eggplant Elderberry Elephant Ear English Ivy Euonymus Evergreen F Ferns Flex Four O’Clock Foxglove G Golden Chain Golden Glow Gopher Purge H Hellerbore Poison Hemlock Water Hemlock Henbane Holly Honeysuckle Horsebeans Horsebrush Horse Chesnuts Hyacinth Hydrangea I Indian Tobasco Iris Iris Ivy J Jack in the pulpit Java Beans Jessamine Jeruselum Cherry Jimson Weed Jonquil Jungle Trumpets K None L Lantana Larkspur Laurel Lily Lily Spider Lilly of the Valley Locoweed Lupine M Marigold Marijuana Mescal Bean Mistletoe Mock Orange Monkshood Moonseed Morning Glory Mountain Laurel Mushrooms N Narcissus Nightshade O Oleander P Peach (pits of) Peony Periwinkle Philodenron Pimpernel Poinciana Poison Hemlock Poison Ivy Poison Oak Pokeweed Poppy Potato Precatory Bean Common Privet Q None R Rhododendron Rhubarb Rosary Pea Rubber Plant S Scotch Broom Skunk Cabbage Snowdrops Snow on the Mountain Staggerweed Star of Bethlehem Sweetpea T Tansy Mustard Tabacco Tomato Tulip Tung Tree U None V Virginia Creeper W Water Hemlock Weeping Fig Wild Call Wisteria X None Y Yews (Japanese Yew, English Yew, Western Yew, American Yew) Z None Was this article helpful? Yes No
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