Guinea pig diseases

Malocclusion of Premolar Teeth (Slobbers):

A common problem of guinea pigs (especially those over 2-3 years old) results when the upper and lower premolar teeth (the most forward cheek teeth) meet improperly while chewing. In time, this problem results in abnormal wear of these teeth. This in turn causes entrapment of and continual injury to the tongue.

Affected animals try to eat but cannot chew and swallow food. Drooling results in a continually moist mouth and chin. Weight loss is often dramatic. A veterinarian must be consulted as soon as possible if this condition is suspected. The diagnosis is confirmed upon direct visual examination of the mouth.

Correction of the problem involves general anesthesia and aggressive trimming or filing of the overgrown teeth. This is a difficult procedure because of the guinea pig’s extremely small mouth opening.

Forced feedings and antibiotics are usually necessary for a number of days before and after this procedure has been performed. There is no permanent solution or correction for this problem. Periodic trimming or filing is almost always necessary. Guinea pigs with this problem should never be bred so as to prevent passing this most undesirable trait to their offspring.

Vitamin C Deficiency ‚(Scurvy or Scorbutus):

Guinea pigs cannot manufacture vitamin C and must receive an adequate supply of it from outside food sources. Vitamin C deficiency results in scurvy, which is characterized by inappetence, swollen, painful joints and ribs, reluctance to move, poor bone and teeth development, and spontaneous bleeding from the gums and into muscle.

Adequate levels of vitamin C are always included in the formulation of pelleted diets for guinea pigs. Often, however, handling and improper storage (exposure to light, heat and dampness) of the feed pellets results in loss of vitamin C. Therefore, even guinea pigs fed presumably reliable pelleted diets may develop scurvy if the diet’s vitamin C content has been reduced or lost. (See Guinea Pigs Care Of).

A veterinarian should be consulted if this disease is suspected so that the diagnosis can be confirmed. The veterinarian will prescribe a program of vitamin C supplementation (via food or water or injection) to reverse the signs.

Difficulties During Birth Dystocia:

Female guinea pigs intended for breeding must be first bred before 7 months of age. If the first breeding is delayed beyond this time, serious (sometimes life-threatening) problems with delivery are encountered. A portion of the pregnant sow’s pelvis must widen for successful delivery of her young. This separation fails to develop in females bred for the first time after 7 months of age, usually necessitating a cesarean section to deliver the young and save the sow’s life.

Signs of dystocia include straining and uterine bleeding. Veterinary help must be sought immediately. The veterinarian will evaluate the pregnant sow by direct exam and by taking x- rays. If a vaginal delivery of the young is not possible, a cesarean section will be necessary.

Pregnancy toxemia is a serious condition that usually occurs in overweight sows in their first or second pregnancy. Signs are most likely to be noted over 1-5 days during the last 2 weeks of pregnancy or the first week following birth. These include inappetence, depression, weakness, reluctance to move, incoordination, difficulty breathing, coma and death. Some afflicted sows may show no signs and suddenly die. There is no single cause for this condition, but stress and obesity are major predisposing factors. Others include advancing age, lack of exercise, fasting just before the onset of signs, and a large number of developing fetuses. The fundamental underlying problem appears to be inadequate blood flow to the pregnant uterus.

Sows showing any of these signs must be seen immediately by a veterinarian. Because treatment is often unsuccessful, prevention of pregnancy toxemia is of paramount importance. Pregnant sows should not be allowed to become obese. Fasting and stress must be avoided, especially in the last several weeks of pregnancy. Pregnant sows must be supplied with fresh water at all times and fed a nutritious diet.

Hair Loss:

Hair loss or thinning of the hair is a common problem of female guinea pigs that have been repeatedly bred. These sows tend to lose hair with each successive pregnancy. Hair loss is frequently noted among juvenile guinea pigs in a weakened state at or around the time of weaning.

“Barbering” also results in hair loss. This vice (bad habit) occurs when guinea pigs habitually chew on the haircoats of guinea pigs that are lower in the social “pecking order”. Younger guinea pigs, in particular, can lose substantial amounts of hair as a result of this activity.

Hair can also be lost because of fungal disease and external parasite infestations.

Heat Stress (Heat Stroke):

Guinea pigs are especially susceptible to heat stroke, particularly those that are overweight and/or heavily furred.

Environmental temperatures above 85 F, high humidity (above 70%),inadequate shade and ventilation, crowding and stress are additional predisposing factors. Signs of heat stroke include panting, slobbering, weakness, refusal to move about, delirium, convulsions and eventually death.

Heat stroke is treatable if recognized relatively early. Heat-stressed guinea pigs should be immediately sprayed with or bathed in cool water. Once this first-aid is undertaken, a veterinarian should be contacted immediately.

Prevention of heat stroke involves providing adequate shade from the sun (if guinea pigs are housed outdoors) and adequate ventilation (if housed indoors). A continuos light mist or spray or water and/or a fan operating over a container of ice can be directed at a guinea pig within its enclosure to lower the air temperature, whether the guinea pig is housed indoors or outdoors.


Cancer is a relatively rare problem of guinea pigs. As with most animals, it is most likely to affect older guinea pigs. Most tumors are benign and involve the skin and respiratory tract lining. Cancer may also affect the reproductive tract, mammary glands (breasts) and blood (leukemia).

Guinea pigs are also susceptible to both abdominal, intestinal, and chest tumors.

Footpad Infections (Bacterial Pododermatitis):

Serious (sometimes crippling) infections of the footpads are common among pet guinea pigs housed continuously on wire. The other major predisposing factor is fecal soiling of wire- bottomed enclosures. The front feet of overweight animals are especially vulnerable to this condition.

Signs include swelling of the feet, lameness, reluctance to move, and inappetence. The flooring of the enclosure must be changed and overall sanitation must be improved. A veterinarian must be consulted regarding treatment of the affected feet. Topical dressing with an antibiotic and periodic bandaging are necessary during the usually lengthy recovery period. Injectable antibiotics are often used by veterinarians in treatment of this condition. Arthritis is a frequent and unfortunate consequences of these infections.

Cervical “Lumps” (Cervical Lymphadenitis):

Abscessation of the lymph nodes immediately beneath the lower jaw, in the upper neck, usually results when coarse foods (such as hay) injure the lining of the mouth or when superficial wounds penetrate the skin over these lymph nodes. Bacterial invasion causes painful, swollen abscesses under the lower jaw. Sometimes these abscesses break open and exude a thick, creamy yellow-white pus.

A veterinarian can perform a bacterial culture of the pus with antibiotic sensitivity testing to determine the appropriate antibiotic to use. If the abscesses are large, surgical removal and aggressive antibiotic therapy may be recommended.


Pneumonia is one of the most common bacterial diseases of pet guinea pigs. A number of potential disease-causing bacteria may inhabit the respiratory tracts of otherwise normal guinea pigs.

Stress, inadequate diet, and improper home care often predispose pet guinea pig to respiratory infection. Signs of pneumonia may include labored or rapid breathing, discharge from eyes and nostrils, lethargy and inappetence. Some animals show no signs at all before dying suddenly.

Middle and inner ear infections occasionally result from respiratory disease in guinea pigs. Additional signs may include incoordination, tilting of the head, circling to one side, and rolling. A veterinarian must be consulted about this serious bacterial infection.

Aggressive antibiotic therapy by injection and appropriate supportive care are necessary. Bacterial culture and antibiotic sensitivity testing help the veterinarian select an appropriate antibiotic. Unfortunately, even though the signs of infection can be relieved, the causative bacteria cannot be eliminated.

Rabbits and rats harbor at least one of the bacteria known to cause pneumonia in guinea pigs. Therefore, it is wise not to house these animals with or near guinea pigs.

Cardiac Disease:

We have diagnosed cardiac disease in several guinea pigs. Signs include lethargy, inappetence, and difficulty in breathing.

Intestinal Infections (Bacterial Enteritis):

Numerous bacteria can cause infections of the gastrointestinal tract of guinea pigs. Some of these bacteria are introduced on contaminated greens and vegetables or in contaminated water. Intestinal infections can manifest themselves as sudden death without prior signs, or as a more lengthy period of illness characterized by lethargy and marked weight loss. Diarrhea may or may not be noted in either case.

A veterinarian will recommend aggressive antibiotic therapy and appropriate supportive care. A bacterial culture of the patient’s stool and antibiotic sensitivity testing help the veterinarian select the appropriate antibiotic.


Ringworm is a skin disease caused by a fungus similar to the one that causes athlete’s foot in people. Young guinea pigs are usually more susceptible than adults. Ringworm in guinea pigs is generally characterized by patchy hair loss on the face, nose and ears. The skin in these areas may appear flaky. Areas of hair loss may extend along the top side of the trunk. A veterinarian must confirm the diagnosis and prescribe topical and/or oral medication. The medications to be used depend on the number of ringworm areas present and their distribution on the body.

Ringworm can be transmitted from guinea pigs to people. It is, therefore, important to limit or restrict handling of infected guinea pigs (especially by young children) until their disease has been successfully treated. If handling is necessary, the handler should thoroughly wash his hands afterward.

Viral Diseases:

Most viral infections of pet guinea pigs are either mild or inapparent.

Lice Infestations:

Lice and mites are the most common external parasites of guinea pigs. Lice are tiny, wingless, flattened insects that live within the haircoat. Both the adults and their eggs are found attached to the individual hairs. Guinea pigs may be parasitized by 2 types of biting lice. Both abrade the skin surface and feed off of body fluids that exude through the very superficial wounds they create.

Light infestations usually go unnoticed. Heavy infestations are usually accompanied with excessive itching, scratching and some hair loss. Scabs may also be evident on and around the ears. A veterinarian can confirm the diagnosis by direct examination of the haircoat. Direct examination is usually all that is necessary, though use of a microscope is very helpful. The veterinarian will usually prescribe an insecticide shampoo or an injectible insecticide to treat affected guinea pigs.

Lice can be transmitted by direct and intimate contact between infested and uninfested guinea pigs. Therefore, pet guinea pigs are very unlikely to harbor these parasites unless they are recent acquisitions that were previously in contact with louse-infested guinea pigs.

Established pet guinea pigs could also be infested by being placed in close contact with new, infested guinea pigs. Guinea pig lice do not parasitize people.

Mite Infestations (Mange):

A mite similar to the scabies mite of people causes serious infestations in pet guinea pigs. Mites are microscopic, spider-like organisms that live within the outer layers of the skin. They usually cause intense scratching and significant hair loss. Some cases without scratching have been reported. Some guinea pigs are so miserable because of the infestation that their constant scratching produces serious wounds. They may run wildly or in circles, and occasionally even have convulsions.

A veterinarian must do a number of scrapings of the skin to confirm the diagnosis. Successful treatment consists of 1-4 injections of a specific drug (ivermectin.) 10-14 days apart. Any wood shavings within the enclosure should be replaced by white paper toweling during treatment to help make the patient more comfortable. Mites can only be transmitted by direct contact between infested and uninfested guinea pigs. Therefore, pet guinea pigs are very un- likely to harbor these parasites unless they are recent acquisitions that were previously in contact with mite-infested guinea pigs.

Established pet guinea pigs could also be infested by being placed in close contact with new, infested guinea pigs. Guinea pig mites do not parasitize people.

Intestinal Parasites:

Intestinal parasites are usually not a significant problem in pet guinea pigs. A protozoan (one-celled organism) parasite may cause coccidiosis in guinea pigs. Signs of this disease include weakness, diarrhea and severe weight loss. Pinworm infections of guinea pigs usually go unnoticed. Both of these parasites can be diagnosed by a veterinarian by stool examinations. Both are treatable using specific drugs prescribed by the veterinarian. Neither parasite problem is transmissible to people.

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