Cruciate ligament damage and repair


A ligament consists of tough, fibrous tissue connecting 2 bones. In the knee, rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament allows the femur (thigh bone) to slide back and forth over the tibia (shin bone)as the knee has lost its stability.   This is analogous to the loss of the pins holding a door hinge together.  When the pins are removed and the door opens, the door will slide off the hing.

The rupture first causes pain, then abnormal wear and tear lead to arthritis. This sequence of events occurs most frequently in overweight, middle-aged to old dogs. We recommend all dogs with this disease be tested for an underlying disease-especially low thyroid function. Depending on the severity of the rupture, treatment may consist of limited exercise and rest (rarely), or surgical repair of the torn ligament(most common form of treatment).

Surgical corrections may vary. Techniques used at this time include:

Tightening of the joint capsule, reconstruction of the ligament, making and inserting an artificial ligament, and reconstruction of the entire bone of the tibia. All surgical cases usually involve entering the joint and cleaning out ligament remnants as well as damaged cartilage and joint surface.

Important Points in Treatment

1. Exercise: Restrict your pet’s activity for 8 weeks. Do not let your pet run unrestrained. On- leash walking is the only activity permitted outside the home. Prevent jumping whenever possible. Begin increasing exercise gradually after 8 weeks.

2. Diet: Ordinarily no special diet is required for healing. If your pet is overweight, weight reduction can speed recovery and possibly prevent further injury. The doctor will discuss weight control with you if necessary.

3. Care of the splint/bandage: Certain surgical corrections require use of a splint or bandage for 1-6 weeks after surgery. If your pet has a splint or bandage, extra care is needed to protect it. Do not let the apparatus become wet. In damp weather, place a plastic bag over it when you walk your pet. Do not allow unrestrained exercise.


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